Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who's scruffy lookin'?

This is from a few months ago but I just remembered it and wanted to post it because it is so dang cute. In case you hadn't noticed, Justus is OBSESSED with Star Wars...he watches all the movies ALL the time. One morning he came in quoting one of the movies and the lines he chose were hilarious!!
Princess Leah: (to Han Solo) "Scruffy lookin', nerf-herder!"
Han: "Who's scruffy lookin'?"
Leah: "I don't know where you get your delusions, Laser Brain."
Chewie: (laughing) "Ooooh!"
Han: (to Chewie) "Laugh it up, Fuzzball."

Ha ha ha ha! Love it.


Amber said...

So I tried to post earlier but not sure if it will work! (I hate those please prove you're not a robot things!) Anyways love the translation! It makes the video that much cuter! Also I love how shy/embarrassed he gets after the video! Such a cutie!

cHim-prints said...

(Not a star wars follower, so the translation was much needed. THANK YOU!)

So cute to see what lights him up. Love it.