Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Piper and the "Ha-Pod"

So...Piper may be just a little obsessed with the iPod lately (or as she calls it, the "ha-pod"). The amazing thing about it is how she is able to navigate through all the different apps and find the ones she likes (it's really cute to see her tiny fingers swiping the screen to get to something new!). The annoying thing about it is trying to fix all of the weird settings that she changes when she has it. The cutest thing about it is finding the random pictures and videos she takes without even realizing it!
The hair!
Obviously, the feet and half-face are the most common angles!
She did somehow manage to get one of herself and everyone in the family...
Even mom & the baby bump.
I love how chubby she looks from this angle at the end of this video! Ha!
I have no idea what she's saying in this one (except you can hear her say "ha-pod"!) but her voice is just so cute!


Amber said...

Ha ha! That's awesome! The last video doesn't says it is private. Love you, love your fam.

Heidi said...

HOW ARE KIDS SO SMART THESE DAYS!?? It's amazing what they can do on those things. Piper had some good creative pics, maybe a future photographer...

p.s. Pryce set my alarms and I didn't know it... that was an interesting night.

Rachel Olimb said...

Hahahahaha! I love her little voice! She's so artsy :).