Friday, November 4, 2011

Air Show & Dunhill

Back in September we went to the Annual RAF (Royal Air Force) Air Show. The weather was shotty (we did get poured on and completely soaked walking back to our car) but we braved it and went to watch. First we set up camp right by our car and watched. Piper didn't seem to mind the SUPER LOUD planes flying right over our heads...
...but Justus did!! He did not like the noise level (at least not at first) and decided he wanted to sit in the back of our car and watch (with the hatchback closed and everything)!! Ha ha.
It was a great show, as least what we could see of it until the storm blew in and blocked our view. We could still hear them flying around up there, though!
We relocated to the beach to meet up with some of our friends (this is how we ended up far away from our car in the pouring rain!) and Justus had much more fun there. This boy LOVES the beach.
Here he is, showing off some shells with his classic Jutsus smile!
A few days later was the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship - an annual golf tournament with pro golfers who are paired with celebrity partners. We went to Kingsbarns Golf Course to go watch on two different days. It was nice because most people tend to watch at the Old Course so we didn't have to fight the crowds.
Justus sat and watched (briefly) and cheered everybody on :)
Piper behaved herself, as usual.
And, of course, Justus brought his clubs. Thankfully he didn't hit any balls onto the actual course. He did manage to score some free balls from several caddies and players who thought he was awesome (because he is). Trav only kept the really nice ones for himself :)
We got to see Rory McIlroy hit a few.
"It's Michael Douglas, everybody!" Ha ha! We did see Michael Douglas and followed his group around for awhile. It made us think of the time Tangy and I were in New York and we saw Kirk Douglas get out of a limo right in front of where we were walking, and Tangy yelled to everyone around (yes, yelled), "Kirk Douglas! It's Kirk Douglas, everybody!!" Ha ha ha!
I kept my eye out for Catherine Zeta (and I'm pretty sure Trav was hoping to catch a glimpse as well!) but alas, she was not there. There were several women following him though who were wearing clothes much too young for them and completely inappropriate attire for a golf course (high heels and all), obviously trying to impress!
The next day we went back to catch a glimpse of "Flopsy"...
...otherwise known as Hugh Grant! We followed him around for several holes as well.
I wouldn't say I was star-struck or anything, but it was fun to watch him play and see him so close. I was just waiting for the right moment to say, "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." Ha ha!!


Amber said...

Your kids are so cute boo! I love how relaxed Piper always appears to be! Tom said that if he saw Hugh Grant he would have said "Fancy a F@#%?" haha oh well maybe next time!

Rachel Olimb said...

Scenery, and castles AND celebrities?! I feel like you guys are always sticking your tongues out at us!!! :)