Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Justus is (and has been for a month) THREE!

As of September 15, we have a three year old. Crazy. And he is crazy. But so dang cute.
We had a fun, low-key birthday day. He woke up to balloons, presents and lots of candy (which he ate all day long!).
He got some fun gifts (but not too many...we learned our lesson from last year...his attention span is only so long!). The highlight was definitely his two light-sabers!! (And I love the "candy floss" - a.k.a. cotton candy)
Then onto a yummy, hearty breakfast - strawberries, banana and a croissant with Nutella. YUM!
It was a nice day in Pitscottie so we spent the morning outside. Picking apples...
...riding his bike...
...dumping out his bag of balls and making a mess of his playhouse...
...then lunch :)
That night, we carried on the annual tradition of homemade (and hand-decorated) cupcakes!
Here is our handiwork...to a child's eye, they are amazing.
Our friends Andrew, Kendall and Amelie came over to celebrate with us!
Yes, Piper was there too and looking cute as ever.
Then, bedtime with a viewing of his new Cars video.
WHAT A CUTIE!!!!!! We love you, Justus Mark!

1 comment:

chaiss said...

happy birthday justus!!!! with a special delivery extra long hug from ivy :) wish we were there too!