Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, we got our Sky Cable last week which means that we can stay connected to the states through satellite television! This made all of us happy for different reasons - Trav: ESPN sports package (three NFL games per week...just enough to stay somewhat up-to-date on his Fantasy Football standings), Jess: King of Queens, Project Runway, The Simpsons, etc., and Justus: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! It's really all he will watch, and more specifically, he only pays attention to the songs at the beginning and end. But still, a little bit of home and familiarity just feels good.


Amber said...

He looks to excited to have tv!! He is so cute laying on his belly watching his show! I love you guys and miss you!

Lynn said...

There is something comforting about being able to keep up with our shows wherever you live. Glad you have a piece of home for all of you! Miss you all so much!

Rachel Olimb said...

Oh toodles!!! Love that picture of him watching his favorite show :).