Monday, May 14, 2012

Little Piper Girl

Just one question: Why is she so cute??!!

Just keeping her hands free for other things...

Looking out the window at Pitscottie, one last time...

Love her!!


Amber said...

Oh my she is TOO CUTE!! I love the one with the stuffed animal in her mouth! haha!

Nancy Branch said...

Why IS she so cute??? Love this little red head and I am counting down the days until I get to hold her and love on her! (And her big brother!)

Amber said...

Who does she look like?! I can't decide!! Sometimes I think she looks like Justus (who I think looks like you), but other times I think she looks like Trav...maybe she is just a good combo?! What do people say?

chaiss said...

i literally can't believe how old she is... how is that possible?! when i think of piper, i think of a tiny baby asleep in her car seat! now she's walking around in boots? please tell me those are ivy's... that would make my day!

Lynn said...

Piper get ready for some Auntie Lynn lovin and some Uncle Jar NOISE!!