Monday, April 11, 2011


We have had the BEST weather here for the past few days and we are all loving it! A few days ago I put Justus in shorts for the first time since last summer and he was so excited that he just kept looking down at his legs and yelling, "SHORTS!" It was hilarious!
We have played outside pretty much non-stop for the past few days. One of the highlights for Jutus was painting with his watercolors. When I asked him what he was painting, he said, "a double rainbow." Ha ha!! (If you don't know what this is referring to, you are missing out. Watch this first, then this.)Piper was soaking up some sun in her swing on the porch. What a cutie :)More shorts. (Yes, he is still in his PJ's but don't judge me!)Yesterday Trav played in an Ultimate Frisbee game with some friends in the School of Divinity. We all went and watched and enjoyed being in the sunshine and not being cold!!!
There was no shortage of attention for Piper either!After the frisbee game we headed to the beach. By far, Justus' favorite place in the entire world. We got there, Trav rolled up his little shorts (which didn't matter because he walked in up to his waist anyways!), he picked up some rocks and headed straight for the waves so he could throw them in.Trav and I were talking about it in the car afterwards, and we both agreed that he could play at the beach from sunrise to sunset and he still would cry when we told him we had to leave.Piper didn't seem to mind the salty breeze either :)SO STINKIN' CUTE! Look at those white little legs!! We need more sunny days here!


Amber said...

Too cute!

Nancy Branch said...

Why are they so stinkin' cute and why are they so far away? I hope Justus has a memory like Trav and remembers everything about his time in Scotland because it has been such an amazing adventure - one like no other!

Beth said...

Your children are absolutely adorable! Does Justus have the beginnings of a Scottish accent yet? :-)

KAM said...

You're the man, Justus!

Nice to see you awake for once, Piper.