Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pops & GiGi

Here are just a few of the fun memories from our 4th of July visit to Pops and GiGi in Colorado...

GiGi let Justus help drive the golf cart for the first time. Probably illegal but so cute. :)

Pops took Justus on a long walk around the neighborhood, nearly killing Bogie (their 12 year old lab), but the weather was so nice we couldn't stop walking!

Enjoying just one of the fun new toys they had waiting for him when we got there. In fact, the entire kitchen table was covered with new toys, books, clothes, and other goodies. :)

Justus LOVED being in the kiddie pool at the country club...we went every day, and he couldn't get enough of it. Trav sweared his board shorts smelled like urine afterward (and they did).

As for the actual 4th of July, he wasn't all that excited about the fireworks...the lights he liked, but the loud cracking noises freaked him out. Still so cute though.

Pops - thanks for serving in the Air Force so Justus can grow up with all the freedoms we enjoy in this country. And thanks to both the grandparents for the good times!

1 comment:

cHim-prints said...

Great pictures of all the family... but the blue ribbon shot is Justus in his striped shirt and vest. Adorable!
Sounds like you had a fun Fourth.