Justus loves to be outside and I have officially decided that 90 degrees (and above) is too hot for a nice stroll through the park, so we are on to Plan B: the $12 inflatable hippo pool (thank you, Target). We knew Justus would love the pool because he absolutely loves his baths, and we were right! In fact, I guess it's not really much different from a bath...he sits in the water, splashes around, his toys are the same, but he does get to be outside. And, of course, the dogs look at it as their very own humongous water bowl.
Justus does this new funny face where he scrunches up his nose and smiles. So we started calling him "Scrunchy"...then "Scrunchles"...and then Trav came up with "Sergeant Scrunchles" :) Good thing it's so cute because he loves to do it when I point the camera at him!
Justus is now officially a swinger. We stop at the park on our walks and he LOVES to swing! The only gross thing is that he eventually starts chewing on some part of the swing itself...oh well, germs never hurt anybody, right??
Justus is so close to being able to crawl! In fact, he can already 'scooch' (as I like to call it) backwards...it's the forwards part that he hasn't quite figured out yet, and he gets a little frustrated (as you will see!). Still so cute though, even when he cries. And he did fall asleep right after this, by the way :)
We had a great Easter weekend...
Good Friday: Trav had the day off. Pops' 60th birthday. Great church service. Enjoying Fresh & Easy goodies with some old and new friends.
Saturday: Got the dogs microchipped and one step closer to coming to Scotland with us. Had a yummy lunch with Justus' great-Amie. It rained.
Easter Sunday: Another great church service. Brunch with good friends at the Shultz house. Cute Easter basket from Kay Kay. Homemade pizza for dinner. Got to hear Peeps sing her famous Easter song (if you haven't heard it, you should...then the "Meesta, Meesta" might make more sense!).
So I stole this picture of Justus off of our church photo blog... our friend Jeff took it at a church picnic we had a few weeks back. I just think it is too cute not to post here!
So it was a big day in the little life of Justus Mark yesterday...
1. We found out why he has been so fussy: his bottom two teeth are breaking through! I cannot wait to see this kid with a toothy grin :)
2. He finally sat up all on his own for more than 10 seconds! He was sitting for a long time and seemed to be loving his new found freedom, too.
It is hard to believe how fast he is growing up. Next thing you know we'll be dropping him and some pimply teenage girl off at the movies for a first date. (No offense to girls who were pimply in their teenage years...I was and am sad to say I still am! Ha ha!!)
Justus gets some one-on-one quality time with his grandpa (a.k.a. "Pops" or "Dear Old Pops") this week. It's so fun to see them together! If he turns out to be even half the man his Pops is then we will have done something right :) "Okay, bye!"