Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Narnia Party

Justus and Piper's good friends - Charlotte, Paige and Lewis - threw a Narnia party after the girls had finished reading all the books. And since Trav has read Justus a few of the books, he (Justus) was super excited for it. Plus, it's always fun to try to come up with costumes from what you already have at home. We walked in through the wardrobe painted on the front door into the snowflakes and lamp post, the kids ate lunch in Mr. & Mrs. Beaver's house (yes, Trav made inappropriate jokes), they did battle practice, played on the Dawn Treader ship, and even got to eat Turkish Delight, which only Piper seemed to like - no surprise there, really!
Justus and Charlotte both dressed as Reepicheep - the bravest of all mice.
Piper was Lucy - the youngest girl who first enters Narnia.
I was the lamp post and Trav was the topless half-man, half-faun, Mr. Tumnus. He even had hooves over his feet. It was amazing. Come on...
And Keira wore her onesie in honor of C.S. Lewis and Lewis Kaetler (Charlotte's and Paige's little brother), who is seriously adorable!
Justus playing with Paige who has become one of his best friends (they are the same age and in the same nursery class at school).
Charlotte (and Claire) holding sweet little Keira.
Battle practice with bean bags and a target.
This was after the party was over...it looks completely staged but I love that it wasn't. They did this one their own. So cute. Such a great party!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Okay, so three kids is a little bit CRAZY!! The days fly by and nothing gets done. But they are awesome so I guess it is worth a dirty house and a few less showers a week than usual :) Since Keira was born almost a month ago (already!), I have a lot of pictures. Here is a preview...if you want lots more, click here. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Well, somehow we managed to celebrate Halloween with a one week old in the house :) We carved pumpkins for the first time (even if it was the night before Halloween and we only got to enjoy them one time! Ha!).
Trav did all the hard work, of course. Justus thought it was too messy to help! (I wonder where he gets that...??!)
Piper had fun scooping out the insides of the pumpkin. Well...at least as long as her attention span allowed!
I should have pics of the finished products but I don't. Justus chose a ghost for his and a kitty face for Piper's. They turned out cute, but no one will ever know... :)

Some friends of ours organized a little party a few days before Halloween, and Trav took Justus (he tried to take Piper but she refused to put on her cute little ladybug costume and pretty much had an all-out tantrum about it so she just stayed home!).
Justus had a blast though - all his friends were there, he got to bob for apples, there was a pinata, and of course lots of candy and goodies.
 We love his "man in black" mustache after eating his cupcake!
Halloween night - Trav and the kids met up with our friends for some trick-or-treating to a few friends' houses. Piper was so stinkin' cute in her ladybug costume but we hardly got any pics! And Trav says she loved trick-or-treating and was totally into it :)
Afterwards, we had some more sweets and cider at our house and watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin (one of Justus' faves!). Piper ate everything in sight (surprise) and overdosed on cookies, cake and candy.
And in case you were wondering, Keira pretty much slept through all of these events!!! (If she wasn't a third child, she probably would have had a costume too, but oh well...I'm sure she'll forgive me.)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's a girl...Keira Jane!!

Keira Jane Buchanan
Born October 23, 2012 @ 2:33am (Scotland time!)
7 lbs, 8 oz
Sweet and perfect!!
She came quick...first contraction at 12:30am - born two hours later! Thanks to Trav's Bond-like driving skills, we made it to the hospital in time!
Just a few hours old - and yes, behind us is the bed where she was born. Trust me, I walked in and thought, "That's it??" but it did the job!
Proud dad of another beautiful girl!
Snoozing away - she seems to love to sleep almost as much as her sis.
First meeting for Justus, Piper and Keira - Justus was SO excited to meet and hold his little sister ("I knew it was going to be a girl!"). I think Piper was still trying to take it all in :)
 Happy big brother!
Getting ready to head home - that same afternoon!! They don't mess around in the NHS... they actually tried to send us home when she was 2.5 hours old and told us we could come back later that day for the pediatrician to check her out! Ha!! I declined. So we left that afternoon instead :)
 Sweet welcome signs from some of our friends.
 Sissies hanging out at home.
 "I want to feed her too!" Ha ha ha.
First day home with everyone. She has already had lots of visitors. And our sweet friends have been spoiling us with meals, flowers, gifts, etc. We feel so loved!
 Piper finally asked to hold her today and she seemed to like it :)
And Justus wanted another family shot.
Cozied up in her towel after her first bath (which she hated!).
Bedtime cuddles with Pipes...
...and Justus.
We love having Keira with us!! What a sweet blessing. Can't wait for you all to meet her! For lots more pics, click here.