This castle visit was for all the "Ezells" that we know and love!! (Ezell is my mom's maiden name, by the way) So it's not quite the same name, but close enough that we thought of you all and decided we had to go check it out! Thankfully, we got a nice, warm, sunny day and even though the castle is in ruins, it was still beautiful.Justus loved exploring every inch of the place - I love the look of determination! Here he is sitting under the "Justice" stone on one of the garden walls. Dada. Mama. I LOVE this picture. I want to be him in this picture. It seems magical. The birds on the grounds loved Justus as much as he loved them...they followed him all the way to the car when we were leaving!! Now all the Ezells we know and love need to come visit so we can bring you here!!!
Well we went "home" (to the States) to visit my family for the past four weeks! Crazy, but so fun to see my mom, sisters & brothers-in-law (well, most of them), and my super cute nieces. We knew it would be fun to watch Justus play with his older cousin, Kiley, since the last time he saw her he was still crawling and this time they could run and play together. And I think it is safe to say that he definitely has his first official "best friend." They had a blast together, minus a few struggles over who gets to play with what toy, and I'm sad to say that he will probably be a little lonelier here without her. We can't wait to see everyone again (hopefully sometime soon!)! I'm sure he'll hate me for this picture later (Trav already does!) but in a house full of little girls, how can you not play dress-up?? At least I picked the most masculine costume they had - Pocahantas. I figured out that when Kiley asks to "play hopscotch" she doesn't actually mean playing the game of hopscotch (which is good because I can't remember how to play) but more just drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and then running around like crazy! Cousins Forever!! :) And even though Kiley's hugs were sometimes a bit more like choke-holds... ...Justus still LOVED being around her and wanted to do whatever she was doing. It will be so fun to watch him grow up with his new best friend!!