At the end of January we took a road trip into Northern England and it was awesome. The weather was great (for January) - don't get me wrong, it was cold but it didn't rain on us once the entire time! We stayed at great hotels. Justus was super flexible and easy to travel with. And we got to see Durham, York, Manchester, and Liverpool. It was so fun. These are the highlights for Justus (if you want to see the rest of our pictures from the trip, click here)...
Cutest tour bus driver in Britain! On one of the walls inside the York Castle Museum. Meeting his hero - Thomas the Tank Engine - at the National Railway Museum. Getting ready to climb the stairs to Clifford's Tower (York). The train museum was definitely his favorite part of the trip. He was so happy - he literally ran around for hours! We ended the trip with a drive through a Safari Park just outside Liverpool. We drove through in our own car and these lions were right outside our window!! Freaky but seriously awesome!