Sunday, September 19, 2010

Justus is TWO!!

It's official - we now have a two year old!! So crazy how time flies. We had so much fun celebrating his birthday with him. Just like last year, it was just the three of us, but I am glad there wasn't a big party or anything - it is so fun to have him and all his cuteness all to ourselves!He had a big pile of presents waiting to be opened when he came downstairs. (By the way, thanks to all the fam for your contributions - it was fun to have so much for him and 90% of it was not from us! We seriously have the best family ever!).
The loot... I loved watching Trav try to 'assemble' his first gift of what I'm sure will be many to come!!
The weather happened to be awesome on that day, so we decided to start our first annual tradition here and take him back to Cairnie Fruit Farm to celebrate. It was fun to see how much difference a year makes since we did all the same things as last year - one big difference was that he wasn't quite walking last year and this time he was running around like a mad man! (Also, for some reason we were the ONLY ones there so we had the entire place to ourselves - it was amazing!)
Running through the big corn maze - we followed his lead and made it out in no time!
Action shot of Trav bouncing him on the 'jumping pillow' - he did not want to get off of this thing! He was loving life!!
Celebrating back at home with some homemade (well, from a box) chocolate cupcakes. He is seriously such a happy, easy-going kid. We are so blessed to have him - Happy Birthday, buddy!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Planes, Trains and...

...well, there were no automobiles, really, but oh well! Justus' second birthday is tomorrow and as a pre-birthday celebration we had an action-packed (well, in our world) weekend planned for him! On Saturday, we went to watch part of the annual RAF (Royal Air Force) Air Show. There is a base just a few miles from St. Andrews and we could watch all the action from the beach in town. So we knew it was a win-win combo with the beach and big airplanes! The air show lasted all day, but we decided to watch the military planes. They were super loud and doing some seriously amazing tricks! Justus had his eyes glued to the sky (well, until he realized how close the water was and then he was distracted by running into the waves!).
He was really proud to show off the shells he had collected while we were hanging out there!Then on Sunday, we had booked tickets for "A Day Out with Thomas" (the train), who he loves. We drove to a local train station where they had life-sized versions of Thomas, Percy and some of his other friends. Justus and I both had the very first train ride of our lives! It was on an old steam train and it was SUPER SLOW, but Justus loved it, of course!
Meeting Thomas...
He even got to help give Thomas a drink of water. Too cute!
There were lots of activities for the kids to do there, including a train museum that was at the station. Justus loved walking onto the old trains and pulling the levers and turning the wheels.
Then when we got home we let him open a few of his birthday gifts early - his own wooden train track and tunnel for all his trains! He has been playing with it non-stop ever since!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Haircut

It was definitely time for a trim...and being broke and cheap, I decided of course that it would be best to try to cut Justus' hair ourselves. (Mom, now I finally know why you did it to us!) His hair was long and luscious and I loved it, but it was always getting in his eyes and I felt bad. So I suggested to Trav that we try to cut it with hair clippers, on the longest setting. It started off looking pretty good, until we got to the front. The first swipe of the clippers across his bangs cut them back to almost nothing! I freaked out but there was no turning back at that point. So......this was the end result. I affectionately referred to it as the "Julie Andrews" (note the similarities!). Honestly, I couldn't even look at Justus at first. I felt so bad that we had cut off all his cute hair! But after he showered and we did a little styling... actually turned out to be a really cute haircut on him! And at least it shouldn't be in his eyes for awhile!
(Just in case you think he's not happy about the new do, he is...this happens to be his new "say cheese" face!)